Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Do you know the meaning of Fun-Test-Trick?
Try guessing...
Give it your best shot
(No, there are no prizes involved)

Fun-Test-Trick was derived from the word "Fantastic" (If you got that right, go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back). Fantastic simply means amazing, incredible and splendid. We decided to create our event's name from this nine-lettered word because of that. We gave ourselves a mission to organize an event that fulfills all those criteria.

In order to give the event name a little edge, we added three simple words into the word "Fantastic" itself; giving it a whole new meaning.

Fantastic = Fun-Test-Trick

Fun explains the whole purpose of the event. We would like to have fun while bringing the fun to you. No doubt that organizing and preparing an event includes shedding blood and tears (Not literally, of course) but we strongly believe that we can have some fun along the way. How is it possible to provide you with enjoyment and excitement if we do not know how to have fun ourselves? This event is about forgetting all your problems, troubles and whatnots. Leave all those behind and bring yourself (Also loved ones) to have a blast with us!

Test describes half of the event as it comprises of a hospitality-based competition where the participants come in groups of twos. This is where the abilities and skills regarding the hospitality industry are tested. Even though that is the case, it does not mean that this competition is solely for students from Taylor's School of Hospitality and Tourism. However, it is also directed and opened to all other students of Taylor's College in general. This is due to the fact that we are aiming to create a link between students of different courses. These tests include communication skills, creativity and time management; just to name a few. Therefore, we are confident that students who are not majoring in this field are able to do it as well. Who knows, you might even do better than a hospitality student.

Trick, on the other hand, describes the other half of the event as it includes a mini carnival alongside the competition. This carnival includes various types of games that are suited for all age groups. It does not end there as there would also be booths where coupons, event merchandizes as well as food and beverages can be purchased. Yes, the fun is not only for students of Taylor's College but also for anyone and everyone. As mentioned before, our mission is to bring fun to the community.

Join us for an experience of fun
Because this is...
Where tricky test is fun

---More information about the activities coming soon---


360º The Event Company

The company was established on the 10th of August 2009 by forty five Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism students from BD 27/28 HR2 of Taylor's College, School of Hospitality and Tourism.

The main reason we call ourselves 360º is because we are competent of turning a dull and ordinary idea into an exciting and thrilling event. An average person may take an idea as mundane and picture it forming an event that does not offer much excitement. However, we are capable of taking that very same idea to form an event that offers much more than what is expected by the Average Joe.

360º also symbolizes our flexibility. No, not the type of flexibility where one folds him or herself to fit into a little cubic box but the flexibility in making decisions and complying with the terms that were set by the college as well as our event advisor.

Last but not least, 360º represents our ability to stay unchanged no matter how many difficulties we face, whether as an individual or a team. It is common and expected for any company to encounter matters that go against its nature and plans. These difficulties are often the culprits of arguments, untrustworthiness and every other unsightly behaviors. However, by being true to the name of our company, we do not break our bonds when there is a hurdle. On the contrary, we hold on to each other in order to make it through.

The company logo is such a way because it shows that we, as the body of the company, view every aspect in every perspective. We do not only look forward or in one direction but also in every direction; keeping all options open. In other words, we do not instantly jump into conclusion before looking through all alternatives thoroughly. As for the degree symbol of the logo, it is placed separately from the cube as it shows our capacity of thinking outside the box.